They find it in smoking hot Eva Longoria.

They live their life one mark at a time and always looking for the one last big score. "Baytown" is about three brothers who only know violence and mayhem.
It's so gratifying to know that you can find little gems like this among all the crap that gets feed to us in the theaters (Yeah, I'm talking to you 'Oz the Great and Powerful' and 'Jack the Giant Slayer' and every Jason Statham movie made since 'The Italian Job'). Don't let the "Direct-to-DVD" thing scare you. That is to say, if you're looking for good jump-scares and thrills, The Bay is probably a pass.'The Baytown Outlaws' is a direct-to-DVD action movie from first time director Barry Battles. As a result, much of that rising tension and buildup never really goes anywhere. On the other hand, this also limits the comprehensive scare factor, reducing the film's most impactful moments to unseen frights not caught on camera. It's an interesting approach to take, and it almost hearkens back to horror classics such as Jaws or Alien. Instead, the viewer is mostly shown the side effects of these parasites and how they inflict pain on their human hosts. Given The Bay's micro-budget, the aforementioned isopods are rarely seen, but this actually ends up working in the story's favor. Although, the addition of a musical score does feel a bit strange, especially considering the starkness of the footage. This mishmash aesthetic is clearly evident as you watch the movie, and visually, it really does lend itself to the finished product. According to Levinson, 21 separate digital platforms were used throughout the course of production. The entire film was shot using only consumer cameras like iPhones and point-and-shoots to achieve a greater level of authenticity. Indeed, there's something to be said for Levinson's technical execution. This is interspersed with preliminary video research from a pair of marine biologists, who provide an additional layer to the nature of the epidemic.Īs for presentation, The Bay actually does an excellent job of intercutting the various found footage to make it feel like one, seamless tapestry.
Meanwhile, a series of Skype conversations and CDC camera recordings offer a much quieter (but no less disturbing) element of mystery. Donna and Stephanie, for instance, represent the traditional "shaky cam" experience - no context, no direction, and only glimpses of the unfolding terror. Through this mode of storytelling, we're permitted several key perspectives that offer completely different viewpoints. Instead of utilizing one or two cameras from a single point of view, the film compiles numerous "sources" to thread together its overall narrative, thus offering a broader scope of the disaster. To its credit, though, The Bay does take a rather novel approach to the found footage genre. This doesn't completely diminish the illusion, but it does keep you from fully investing in the characters.

However, some of the smaller roles will likely take you out of the experience flatly delivered lines and underwhelming reactions are a common occurrence throughout the film. Donohue and Connolly stand out as two of the stronger performers, and fortunately they're also the two most prominently featured. The acting, on the other hand, is hit-or-miss, which is often the price you pay when casting complete unknowns. Still, there's a disquieting eloquence to the film's documentary style, and in many ways, it does succeed. And while the Chesapeake backdrop does add a sense of realism to the final product, it also heightens the director's occasionally self-indulgent view of social ignorance and bureaucratic apathy. It's your typical eco-disaster flick, featuring elements of other outbreak horror films such as Contagion, Quarantine and Parasite. In terms of raw content, The Bay is nothing really new. We're also introduced to an affluent wife and mother, Stephanie (Kristen Connolly), whose husband falls prey to the disease. At different points in the rural town, various people are devoured from the inside out as the local hospital is overrun with infected patients. The tale centers on a young reporter, Donna (Kether Donohue), who has emerged with a compilation of footage revealing an unimaginable killer: a mysterious parasitic outbreak of prehistoric isopods. Created in lieu of an abandoned documentary about the ruinous environmental state of the Chesapeake, Barry Levinson's The Bay depicts the grisly events that unfold over a 4th of July celebration.